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  • 3661 Voltaire St. San Diego, CA 92106
  • (619) 222-3377
  • Open Tue - Sat 7:30am to 4pm - Closed Sun - Mon
Baby Gender Reveal

    Baby Gender Reveal


    What will it be? Boy or Girl? Open to see! Announce the gender of your baby in a fun and delicious way! Drop off a sealed enveloped from your doctor, or have your doctor, family or friends give us a call with the big news! 

    Three layers of chocolate cake filled with a filling of either pink or blue whipped cream and a filling of chocolate mousse. Outside of cake can be decorated with both blue and pink swirl decor. Greetings are not available for gender reveal cakes.

    *PLEASE NOTE: 3 day minimum preorder

    Size Guide:
    8 inch serves 12-16
    1/4 sheet serves 30-40